Created To Love Blog: We Are Created To Love

(Whoever does not love does not know God because God is Love. I John 4:8)
What is your definition of real love? Do you believe that you are loving your brothers, sisters, husband, children daily according to the word of God? According to 1 Corinthians 13? I can remember being challenged in my walk to read that chapter every morning as a part of my devotion. Wow! You are talking about life changing. It was amazingly humbling. As I read it I would replace my name with Love is . . . and say, “Michelle is . . . ,”
Remember, love it the very nature of God. He sent His son Jesus to be an example of what love looks like and what love sounds like. We can experience this eternal love by choosing to love according to Jesus and the support of the Holy Spirit. It is a radical kind of love. It is an intentional kind of love. It is an unconditional kind of love. We cannot do it in and of ourselves. We must allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to all truth. We must allow the Holy Spirit to live in and through us to be the light that God wants to shine before men.
Real love which comes from God never stops loving. He wants us to have the same kind of love toward each other. Rather than relinquishing our love for those who have wronged us in some way or who lives life differently from us, God wants us to have the heart of His son Jesus and choose to love others the way that Jesus choose to love us. This is a daily dying to ourselves so that the Holy Spirit can live strong in us and strengthen us.
"For God so loVed the world That He gAve His onLy BegottEn SoN That whosoever Believes In Him Shall Not perish, But have Everlasting life."
Have a blessed Valentines’ Day My Sisters!